
Video (Part 1)

What should the content of my video be? I had a few half-baked ideas the first week the project was assigned but nothing solidified. I wanted my video to be useful as well. When Terri Linman and I spoke on the phone, we came up with the idea of creating an introductory video for my classes. What better way would there be to introduce the rules and content of the class to my middle school students? I'll keep it light-hearted and also get the point across.

After successive revisions, I am still not satisfied with it. I think this video will go through some tweaks before the end of this semester.

The tools of choice included iMovie, images from the Internet, and a mp3 audio file from Free Play Music @ http://www.freeplaymusic.com

Thanks Terri, for the great ideas and encouragement!


Angie Wilson said...

I love it Robert! I need a "how to survive in Ms. Wilson's class" video. I think I may do that for back to school night next year. You inspired me to do that instead of a powerpoint! Keep up the good work.

Jutti said...

I am going to do this too. I can see presenting the classroom standards to students the first week of school. The humor is a great touch.

I can see creating another presentation for parents for back to school night. These could be posted on my class web site for students and parents to revisit as necessary.


martyjay75 said...


Great idea to create a video on class rules/procedures. I think it's a great way to show off your talent to the students while at the same time setting the tempo of how you'd like things to go in your classroom. I think it's a great way to get your students' attention at the beginning of the year.

Mrs. Topmiller said...

What a great idea! This is a nice way to start off the year with a little humor and nice video. The kids will be paying much more attention to the video than they would a rule sheet. You did a nice job with the video, the transitions were nice and the music fits:) nice work

rrksevilla said...

Thanks for all your encouragement and positive statements. All I know is that humor tends to make the students pay attention a bit more - I can see their faces light up and their ears perk up!

screllin said...

I agree with Angie, this is a wonderful way to start off your year, I may have to borrow the idea. It is both a nice way to get their attention and to start a discussion on what is in store for them the rest of the year. Nice work!

isurewould said...

I'm inspired. What a great way to introduce your class. They usually use that time for sleeping...but not with a video. Now I've got to go do a bunch of work to get ready for my next set of computer classes.

Miss G. said...

It's great! Completely agree that this is much more engaging for the students than a list of rules on a piece of paper.

Denise Henry said...

You rock! Way better way to communicate classroom rules that the style I've always used. I'm totally changing my style thanks to you!!

t. brent said...

great way to lay it out. nice illustrative pictures. i say it's DONE!

mones93 said...

I love this! While poking around to find your instructional package I had to watch it. I want to take your computer class. Ever since COMET started I have not worked on a mac. I miss my mac.
Great video and intro to your class.
- Monica