
Cyber Safety

After much discussion with teachers, parents, and students, I have observed that there is a growing concern and need for educating not only our students but parents in the safe use of online resources. More specifically, those of social networking websites and chat sites.
The idea in keeping safe online appears to be a common sense issue. For example, don't post a personal picture of yourself or friends and family. If you do, then make sure that only your friends and family can access these or that you not include any names. Don't include any information that may divulge your identity and location. I have noticed that slightly over a majority of middle school students actually follow these common sense recommendations.
In my discussions with parents, I ask if they know what websites their child visits. Again, slightly more than a half of parents knew this information.
I think that this is an important enough issue that as educators we need to take a serious look at this. Perhaps I'm overreacting? I don't think so. I think we need to educate our students and parents. If we teach our children how to be safe in the physical world then it makes sense to teach them how to be safe in cyberspace!

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