
Technology and Social Responsibility

Students are more technically savvy than ever. Sometimes their technical knowledge is much more developed than their social consciousness. As an educator teaching computer technology to middle school students, I feel I have the responsibility of instilling a sense of accountability in their use of technology.

In the use of discussion posts and email communication for example, I've had students write things that they would never otherwise say to a person's face or discuss in the classroom. My reaction to that is to teach them that posting their thoughts in a discussion or email is a big responsibility that carries certain consequences if abused. They need to remember that real live beings may be affected by their writing.

1 comment:

rrksevilla said...

Hi Bloggerino,
I feel that technology such as You Tube and My Space have failed to teach young people and adults in general how to censor themselves.
Case in point. My niece had a My Space account that I accessed. When I researched some of her friends I became alarmed. I actually saw a 21 year old post he was caretaker of his 4 year old son and his favorite pastime was cooking crack in his kitchen. Needless to say, I contacted my sister-in-law and got her to the website. She saw that her daughter had posted Corona bottles and said she liked to party etc. I put it down as one of her mother's favorites so she could monitor any other transgressions.
My greatest fear was that my niece would end up as a face on a milk carton. I'm so glad her mother agreed. With all the questionable people out there we must be technologically savvy in order to keep things under control.
Cynthia Fuentes
Para Educator